Spice It Up

Now that’s some pepper. For size reference, he’s six foot four. This kid … we spent 5 hours in the mall and bought two frozen hot chocolates between us … so it wasn’t an expensive day. We did little to help our economy. But the experience was priceless, really.

He’s fun absolutely anywhere. This $200+ pepper grinder, in particular, brought out his sarcastic side. #wtf #spicy #seriouslywtf

Junk mail, campfire ashes and berries walk into a bar …

Charcoal from this weekend’s campfire for the outline … black raspberry center for the core and smashed up strawberry hull colored rays. Canvas: back side of some random piece of junk mail. It made the fridge. ‘Cause it’s my fridge, and I decided it was worthy of the placement. This is what happens when I’m left unsupervised for too long. 🙂 #sunnycomposition #kitchencurator #playwithyourfood #mixedberrymedia